LATISSE eyelash and eyebrow growth serum


Latisse lash growth drops rank second in my comparison reviews. I placed them right behind my favorite Nanolash. They aren’t as good but they fulfil the manufacturer’s promises. Since I discovered Nanolash, I haven’t been using Latisse often. Why? There’s just one reason. My favorite ensures faster application and effects. Still, Latisse is among my fave lash enhancers. It’s an effective lash care product.

It’s mostly the packaging what makes Latisse different from other lash and brow growth serums. The product is available exclusively in form of 3ml drops. One bottle comes with 60 disposable applicators. At first, I didn’t like those stiff spatulas which were just single-use. An eyeliner-like application is much comfier and the brushes don’t irritate the skin that much. Still, you can get used to it after some time. It pays off because Latisse gave me the effects I expected.

When it comes to the application, Latisse isn’t much different (despite the form). It’s applied to the lash line with a spatula. The treatment should last around two months. The manufacturer reminds that irregular use doesn’t bring effects. If you stop the treatment, your lashes go back to the previous state. Make sure you spread the serum just to the upper lash line. On the label, I read some warnings about the eye redness and itching but I haven’t experienced any side effects. Obviously, my eyes and lash serums like each other.

Allergan is the manufacturer of Latisse lash growth serum.

I found info that it’s the same brand which produces Lumigan eye drops for treating glaucoma. It’s been discovered that faster lash growth is one of the effects delivered by the drops. It’s thanks to bimatoprost. The ingredient has been included in the lash serum for stimulating growth. Latisse is the first eyelash serum which has been approved by FDA, which means it’s an effective eyelash extension product. You can use it without much concern about unwanted side effects. Just make sure the serum doesn’t get into your eyes. I think every reasonable person knows it well.

I told you about the product’s application and genesis. Now – the effects. You can use Latisse serum both for the lashes and brows. Other serums work this way, too, but it’s clearly indicated in case of Latisse. I always have to pluck my brows so I don’t see the point in applying the serum to the eyebrows. I don’t want them to keep growing. On the other hand, my lashes definitely needed a nourishing boost from within and it was delivered by the serum. Latisse makes lashes stronger and longer. It’s a good reason for me to buy this product. Or medication. I’m not sure how to call it.

Let me tell you about one more thing. I must mention the price of Latisse serum. The price is fixed at the online drugstore where I got it and it costs a lot there. I’m ready to pay a lot for eyelash care products but I’m aware that many girls save long months to get even cheaper products. Latisse growth serum might cost too much for some of them. I take that into consideration.

Why I recommend it?

  • Latisse is an effective way to get longer lashes.
  • The composition has been approved by FDA.
  • Regular use gives good results without side effects.
  • Latisse has an original formula.
  • One-off, hygienic spatulas are used for the application.
  • Only regular use brings effects.

Why I don’t recommend it?

  • Latisse Serum is among the priciest on the market.
  • Not everyone is going to like the spatula application.

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